What's new in the shiny new update?

I spent the past week working diligently on updating the game, so here I'll take some time and outline the changes you'll notice in the new build!

Skip to the bottom for a quick roadmap of my next couple priorities.

What's New?

The biggest changes are graphical: enemies and player units have new sprites and, drumroll please, I have FINALLY added animations! The sprites, at least for the player units, are going to go through another round of edits, but I wanted to push out these changes as quickly as I could. 

Next, I added movement functionality for the enemy units. Now, instead of having to place yourself in front of enemies every time, they might just move themselves into the perfect spot for you to knock them out.

The last significant change is that damage indicators have been updated. I noticed that it was a bit confusing trying to decipher which enemy units were responsible for which attacks. Now, you can hover over a unit, and it will highlight the attacks that they're responsible for. 

What's Next?

I have a couple bugs to iron out with the combat system, so those are the first priority. Units cover each other's health bars, and the units at the bottom of the screen are being cut off. 

In the pipeline are some major renovations in the town. The redevelopment project will see a few new shops open up, while relocating some old ones and giving everything a much-needed facelift. This will be a huge change, so it will most likely get its own post once live.

After that, I'll start adding new enemies and cards. I've even been working on fresh card art to replace the blank squares I've been using so far.

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