Collect cards and command a team of feline adventures against an army of slimes.

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Feedback form


How to play:

  1. Each turn, you will draw 5 cards from the draw pile that can be assigned to units.
  2. Units will use cards in the order they are assigned. 
    1. Click a card to select it and choose a unit to assign it to. You can also drag cards to units to assign them faster.
    2. Hover over a unit to highlight their planned actions.
    3. You can drag units to move them to different positions, but moved units will not be able to use a card.
    4. Press end turn to launch card effects.
  3. After winning a battle, you can choose a reward to take on your journey.

Development log


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Hi! So I tried the game and I quite like the idea. Feedback form already submitted :). If I could add just a bit of feedback here - I think the game would greatly benefit from shuffle mechanics, making cat turn order more relevant as well as the decision to move spaces with the turn loss. Keep up the good work!

Hi! What do you mean by shuffle? I’ve added enemy movement that I’ll push in this week’s update, or did you mean something else?

Thank you for the feedback!


Oh im excited for the update! I thought of something like darkest dungeon does - for example a card for a cat "move down one position and deal 5 dmg". If your cat is low health you move it out of harms way and still use the turn or if the space below is occupied, the cat there swaps position with it and does its turn above (of course depending on the order you distributed the cards).  Have a great day :)

Hi! Just wanted to update you that I’ve added enemy movement in the last update. I’ve also implemented movement as a card effect, which I’ll push in the next update. 

Thank you again for the feedback!!

Hi! Sounds very nice, ill be happy to check it out! Thank you for letting me know! Im glad I could be of some help :)